September Updates!!

Hi Friends!

Another month has flown by and there's a lot to recap! 

First I want to take a moment to thank you for your support in this ministry! I really pray and hope that as you read this you see the fruit of your generosity. I am truly thankful to be a witness to what God is doing here at UTA!

This month was a more steady pace the first 2 weeks and included meeting with students, classes and getting adjusted to a new routine. This was really nice but with slowing down it also brought light to the major transitions I have been in the past few months. Moving away from Denton, my friends, and church was actually more difficult than I thought it would be. It has brought up feelings of gratitude for my community and left me wanting to build that here in Arlington. I have been navigating my routine while taking time to build connections and maintain connections. Jesus has been steady in all of it and for that I am grateful.

We also got to start some more apprentice classes like body and financial stewardship, Holy Spirit and Spiritual Leadership. We are also around 70% of the way through the Old Testament. I have learned so much in the past 2 months and have really been challenged in my critical thinking. It is exciting that there is always something new to know! 

These are 2 girls I have the privilege of getting to meet with every week! We are doing a one on one bible study called Focus on Jesus (FOJ)

Went to a pickle festival with Sarah and Emily!

Matching shirts for staff meeting...

Getting froyo after core!

This picture was a full circle moment for me. The last time we were all in a room together was when I had decided to apply for this apprenticeship in May of 2023 while we were in Bellingham, Washington! It was so sweet getting to now be here with them.

This is my sweet friend Chris! Her and I got to lead core together this past year at TWU and she truly became one of my closest friends. I love her like a sister and have cherished the way she challenges me to look more like Jesus. She is so thoughtful and puts others before herself. She decided to get baptized and I had the honor of getting to be a part of that. I love her and her love for the Lord. 
She is leading core still at TWU this year and its so cool to see how Jesus continues to grow us!

-Fall Camp 2024-

Every year our ministry gets to attend a fall camp with their campus! This is commonly a time where cores bond as its an intentional 24 hour time period together. You get to retreat with God and community while getting a break from school. Our core had such a great time, and the Lord was definitely moving during this time. 

Truly this was such a sweet month and I am excited for more months like this to come! 

Prayer Requests:

This month some family needs have come to my attention so I am asking for prayers for my family and that the Lord would just abound in the lives of my relatives.

If you have any prayer request please reach out!❤


Madison McBride


  1. Way to go! Keep spreading the good news of Jesus. Thank you for sharing.


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