February Update!

Hello Friends! Let's talk about January! Wow!! What a month! I feel like normally January last forever, but this one flew by. I think this has been my favorite month of ministry so far and I think God is doing some really exciting things! Winter Retreat! Every year our entire ministry comes together for winter retreat! It is a time of sermons, fellowship and lots of fun! This was my third year attending and getting to see what all goes into it from a new perspective just adds a whole new level of appreciation for those who plan it! From across our campuses we had around 700 in attendance! Praise God ! The week after retreat all I could reflect on was the story about Jesus feeding the 5000. I really got to see how much he can do with our "small" efforts. I think to the worlds standards, my small group of 8 girls wouldn't been impressive, but to God? Its so exciting! Each of our small efforts on these campuses led to 700 people praising him together for 4 days! I took ...